6 km from the beach, 6 km from Rehovot, 13 km from Rishikesh, 13 km from Ashdod, 26 km from Tel Aviv. The location of the ALUMA complex in the center of the city, on Sderot Duani, between Sderot Yerushalayim and Sderot Hatzamtu, allows you to enjoy easy and convenient access to roads 4, 6, 42 and 431 and public transportation to and from the city. There are two train stations in the city, one in the west, on Route 4 near the Yavne interchange, and the other in the east, on Independence Boulevard.
In recent years, the main streets in the city were widened and illuminated, by-pass roads were paved and the bus lines were also upgraded. All of these allow you to enjoy proximity to the employment and recreation centers of Gush Dan, without sacrificing quality of life at the highest level, close to the sea.