The island of Hvar lies in the Adriatic Sea, about 4 kilometers from the coast of Croatia. The area of the island is about three hundred square kilometers, and it is home to only a few thousand inhabitants. The main town on the island is also called Khabar, and about 4,000 people live there. The rest of the residents live in several other small towns around the island.
Khabar is an ancient town, at the top of which stands a portable fortress and is surrounded by a wall. The central square of the city is spacious and beautiful, was established somewhere in the 14th century, and is the largest city square in the entire Dalmatian region. In the heart of the square there is a well that is about six hundred years old and on the edges of the square are St. Stephen’s Church, the Bishop’s Palace, the Governor’s Palace and other public buildings. The Franciscan monastery sits on a headland and is located in a building that was formerly used as a hostel for sailors and seafarers.